
Angelo D’Agostino

Business address:
Neustiftgasse 10/20,
1070 Vienna

+43 650 8747 277

UID: ATU76545703

Commercial application:

Elena Azzalini Photography

Ami Bornstein, Brad Day, Dmitrii Borovikov

Kody Ruth, Vision Motorsport, Epic Action by Infraction

Concept & Post Production:
Come Alive Vision
@ 2024

Branding + Web Design:
Marion Wotruba
Graphic & Art Design

© D’Agostino Vision,
All rights reserved.

Privacy policy

The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the statutory provisions. In this data protection information, we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within the framework of this website.

Contact with us
If you contact us by e-mail, the data you provide will be stored by us for 12 months for the purpose of processing your inquiry and in case of follow-up questions. We do not pass on this data without your consent.

Collection, processing and use of personal data
In general, the use of the website is completely possible without entering any personal data. You can therefore view all public content without restriction and without having to log in or register anywhere. This page explains in detail the exceptional cases in which your data is required and used.

Access data / server log files
In the course of your visit, information is automatically collected and stored, which your browser transmits to this website. These are:

  • Browser Type / Version
  • your operating system
  • a referrer URL (the previously visited page)
  • the hostname of the accessing computer (your IP address)
  • the time of the server request
  • the amount of data transferred
  • the message whether the request was successful

Use of cookies
Only technically necessary cookies are used on this website. No cookies are used that require separate consent. Cookies are small text files that are stored by your browser on your end device – they do not cause any harm.

Cookie “php session”.
This cookie stores your current session related to PHP applications, ensuring that all features of this website based on the PHP programming language can be fully displayed. Storage period: until the end of the browser session (deleted when you close your internet browser).
If you deactivate your cookies on this site, however, it may happen that certain restrictions become noticeable in the web offer.

Web server protocol
This website is located on the servers of the web hoster World4you. When the website is called up, web server log files are created at World4you. These contain, among other things, IP addresses, which also fall under personal data.

The web servers generate log files, which contain the following information:

  • the page accessed (URL)
  • the browser or browser version
  • the operating system used
  • the referrer URL (the previously visited page)
  • host name and IP address of the accessing computer
  • the time of the server request

For reasons of operational security, for the creation of access statistics, etc., web server log files are created there. These log files are stored for two weeks with the implementation of the DSGVO. This means that error log files are also available, among other things, which are helpful in locating errors. These are also deleted automatically after two weeks.

Your rights
You are generally entitled to the rights of information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection.